I have used the bell as a symbol for my childhood. Since it is one of my first memories, I thought using it would be a great idea.
This has personal meaning to me because it is one of my first memories. It not only represents that, but my family as well. It is ripped down the middle to show the separation of love, but was painted over to show a sense of "trying", I guess you could say. They tried to keep it on positive terms for my little sister and I.
I am using the element of boldness to help convey a sense of importance/focus. The black background with the large, red/green bell clearly shows what you should be looking at in this photo.
I created balance by putting the background as a solid black colour. Not only did this show the bell in a more bold way, but kept any colours from clashing/putting a sense of discomfort in the painting. Making the top of the painting red not only complimented the bell itself, but was also the ceiling colour I had at the time, so that was a happy coincidence.
I struggled at one point with the ripped line down the canvas center. I was unsure if it was going to still look professional, when the damage was already done. I thought different ways to show it was in fact ripped but not in a tacky way, so I decided to re tape it from the back, so the eye could see the change in depth without needing to touch the painting.
I only used one material on canvas, paint. I also used tape on the backside to help with the reforming of the ripped canvas.
I chose the colour red and green because that was the colour of the bell. I chose red as my top colour as I believe my ceiling was red. I used solid black as the background image to help convey a sense of boldness with the bell and unknown. By unknown I mean, I really only remember the bell, not what was around me.
I am especially pleased with how the tear in the canvas covered up. After taping it up and painting over it with multiple coats, I'd say it isn't especially obvious that I ripped through it. It looks intentional, which it should, because it is.
While the oral depiction of your art creates a distinct image, I would really like to see the actual piece. Any chance you would upload a copy of it?